When January took out December's low, I considered it a 3-month balance (Nov-Dec-Jan). After February broke out of this balance, I shifted the monthly to OTFU. However, since the extension above the balance area was minimal, one could still interpret the monthly as in balance.
Thanks, HAGW!
Thank you very much!
Thank you Smash. Homework .. love it.
Since January took out December's low, wouldn't the Monthly be a 3-month balance? and be OTFD if we take out Feb's low? Thanks as always, Smash :)
When January took out December's low, I considered it a 3-month balance (Nov-Dec-Jan). After February broke out of this balance, I shifted the monthly to OTFU. However, since the extension above the balance area was minimal, one could still interpret the monthly as in balance.
Ok, thanks for the clarification.