Hey Smash. I hope you have a reasonably and prosperous new year. I just wanted to say thank you for your effort. I have to work on my emotions and discipline. I'm very impressed and in awe really that every single one of your forecasts around your line in the sand holds true. I need to stop doubting and stick with what you say. Above, long. Below, short. Period.
I'm very grateful for you doing this for free. Right now I can't afford expensive subscriptions.
I'm currently using an older version without any issues (2678). It's best to reach out to SC support or consider installing a previous version of SC until the problem is resolved.
I haven’t upgraded my Sierra yet but it seems I should hold off until that is resolved. You can always restore a previous version or reach out to support to see what the issue is.
Thank you! 6034 was smashed!
To say the least!
Hey Smash. I hope you have a reasonably and prosperous new year. I just wanted to say thank you for your effort. I have to work on my emotions and discipline. I'm very impressed and in awe really that every single one of your forecasts around your line in the sand holds true. I need to stop doubting and stick with what you say. Above, long. Below, short. Period.
I'm very grateful for you doing this for free. Right now I can't afford expensive subscriptions.
Happy New Year, Smash! Thank you for an amazing year with your knowledge and levels! I hope you have a very successful, healthy and prosperous 2025!
Thank you again for all that you do!
hey, the smash footprint color changed to gray with the SC upgrade, did you change the settings?
Maybe based on dominant ask-bid to vol at price %?
I'm currently using an older version without any issues (2678). It's best to reach out to SC support or consider installing a previous version of SC until the problem is resolved.
I haven’t upgraded my Sierra yet but it seems I should hold off until that is resolved. You can always restore a previous version or reach out to support to see what the issue is.