A/D: Advance/Decline
AMT: Auction Market Theory
APBL: Afternoon Pullback Low
ARH: Afternoon Rally high
ATH: All Time High
CHVN: Composite HVN
CLVN: Composite LVN
D1: Daily Time Frame
DOM: Depth of Market
DTPOC: Developing TPOC
DVPOC: Developing VPOC
FS: Full Session
HOD: High of the Day
HVN: High Volume Node
HTF: Higher Time Frame
IB: Initial Balance
IBH: Initial Balance High
IBL: Initial Balance Low
IBR: Initial Balance Range
LIS: Line in the Sand
LOD: Low of the Day
LVN: Low Volume Node
M1: Monthly Time Frame
MA: Moving Average
MAE: Maximum Adverse Excursion
MFE: Maximum Favorable Excursion
MGI: Market Generated Information
NVPOC: Naked Volume Point of Control
OF: Orderflow
ON/ETH: Electronic Trading Hours
ONH: Overnight High
ONL: Overnight Low
OTF: Other Time Frame
OTFU: One Time Framing Up
OTFD: One Time Framing Down
PA: Price Action
RTH: Regular Trading Hours
SMASHLEVEL: Smashelito Pivot
SME: Smashmodel Extremes
SOC: Scene of Crime
TAPE: Time and Sales
TPO: Time Price Opportunity
TPOC: Time Point of Control
VA: Value Area
VAH: Value Area High
VAL: Value Area Low
VP: Volume Profile
VPOC: Volume Point of Control
VWAP: Volume Weighted Average Price
W1: Weekly Time Frame